It’s what we do; our species. It communicates through language. We learned to do this some tens of thousands of years ago and for better than the past million, we and our ancestors had to band together to get things done. My ability to write this now is dependent on so many individual efforts, I cannot help but feel grateful and indebted to the generations that have come before. It is a miracle that any of us are here at all, given the odds against our conception and birth - and yet about 8 billion of us are living on the globe now. One planet, one species among many, we have a responsibility to not just ourselves, but to every living thing here to do our best to advance. We need to listen to each other and hear what we are saying and notice that we have more in common than we realize. It’s simple. It is necessary. We will not survive if we take actions that divide us. Why am I writing this? Why now?
Well, Harrowings is about churning things up and telling myself what I need to read and to hear in my head as I type. It’s about hoping to have sent out into cyberspace some reflections that might resonate with others. It’s about contributing to the improvisation that is human life on this planet. We have arrived, essentially, unbidden.
However, being here now, we have an opportunity to be the change we want to see in the world. The way the system is set up, the thing we can do is to be conscious consumers and remember that every cent spent is a VOTE for the kind of world we are co-creating. I say this often. I am hopeful. I am also harrowed by the suffering that I observe in the world. It has ever been so, when we look at the long arc of history, but we do have the ability to curb our enthusiasm for blood lust. We have the ability to build trust among one another. So, I write. I think. I write some more.
What do you think? Do you follow the prompts I’m tossing out there in hopes that others will respond and that we can have a conversation on these matters? I’d like to know.