I’m reminded of “The Diggers” who ran free stores in the Haight-Ashbury when I wrote “Digging In” as the title of this latest post on the newly named “Harrowings” Substack.
I’m also reminded of “Digging In The Dirt” by Peter Gabriel.
This is “for real” - and, as such, we need to acknowledge the facts. The author here knows only how things seem - and there always is more than meets the eye. An objective view is impossible - everything here will be examined as it surfaces in the harrowing of the field of consciousness.
I have classified this as Philosophy with a sub-category of Humor. Amusement is my aim but with the deeper intent of helping the author heal from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
My father’s legacy is going to be a focus for my future - even as I pass through unexpected challenges. What is a challenge other than an opportunity to show what we are made of? Here’s the question that this collection of posts intends to answer.
Intention leads to the recognition that perception is what communication really is. Therefore, I beseech the readers when you reach this point to share your perceptions.
More will be revealed…